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music technology

This was an analog polyphonic synthesizer I made in spring 2013 using a series of 7555 circuits. One of the big red buttons controls the use of a photoresistor to bend the pitches based on the amount of light received. The other big red button turns a low frequency oscillator on and off.


I also painted the box. Ain't it cute? 

r2d2 polyphonic synthesizer

multimedia feedback loop

This feedback loop runs between two computers. It simultaneously converts sound into image and image into sound using Max/MSP, photoresistors, Arduino, and Ableton Live.

This was a collaboration with Malakai Linden (MALAKAI) and Dominick Chang (Patchbae). 

recording studio

Ignore the scratch vocals!


This is my friend Dan. We collaborated on this glockenspiel line for the end of the song we were recording- a mashup of Tegan and Sara's "Not Tonight" and Bruce Springsteen's "I'm on Fire." Neither of us knew how to play before, so we each took one mallet. Teamwork!

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